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Calling sxs from Mathematica#

Newer versions of Mathematica (version 11.3 and greater) include a convenient way to call Python code from a Mathematica session: you just tell Mathematica where to find the python executable, and then evaluate Mathematica commands containing the Python code you want to run.

Getting Mathematica working with Python#

As of this writing, Mathematica claims that it works with all reasonably modern versions of Python — specificaly "Python 2.6+ and Python 3.4+". Assuming this is true, the only extra thing to worry about is that Mathematica requires the pyzmq package to interface with Python.

If you have already installed sxs, you should be able to install pyzmq in the same way. Alternatively, you may want to create a separate environment with both. Using conda, you can run

conda create -n sxs_mathematica sxs pyzmq

Note that this command just creates the environment; if you want to use it directly, you need to run conda activate sxs_mathematica, which basically changes the PATH in your current terminal so that it uses this version of python by default; that change will disappear the next time you open a terminal or if you call conda deactivate.

Finally, you'll need to tell Mathematica the full path to your python executable. You can print that out with

conda run -n sxs_mathematica python -c 'import sys; print(sys.executable)'

You may never need to activate the environment again except to update; just don't delete it if you intend to continue using it from Mathematica.


In Mathematica, you can call something like the following:

session = StartExternalSession[<|
    "System" -> "Python",
    "Executable" -> "/full/path/to/bin/python"
py = ExternalEvaluate[session];

Remember to set the full path to your python executable in the first command.

Running this code will start up a python session, which will remain running until you quit this Mathematica kernel or call DeleteObject[session]. And you pass all your python code to the py function as strings. To get started, import the sxs module like this:

py["import sxs"];

To load the catalog, you can run

py["catalog = sxs.load('catalog')"]

The python session will hang onto this catalog object, and you can use it again later. For example, you can extract the table of metadata for all simulations like this:

sims = py["catalog.table"];

The result is a Mathematica Dataset, which you can search and slice in ways comparable to the pandas interface in python. For example, to select systems with mass ratios greater than 8 and both spin magnitudes less than 0.1, then list only selected columns (initial mass ratio, and so on), use code like this:

 Select[#["reference_mass_ratio"] > 8
    && #["reference_dimensionless_spin1_mag"] < 0.1
    && #["reference_dimensionless_spin2_mag"] < 0.1 &],
 {"initial_mass_ratio", "initial_separation", "reference_chi1_mag",
  "reference_chi2_mag", "reference_eccentricity_bound"}]

Of course, more complex python code can be used. For example, we could write the selections above directly in python using the usual pandas interface to achieve the same result. But this approach is presumably less natural for Mathematica users.

We can also extract horizon data:

py["horizons = sxs.load('SXS:BBH:1107/Lev/Horizons.h5')"]
time = Normal[py["horizons.A.time"]];
arealmass = Normal[py["horizons.A.areal_mass"]];
coordcenterinertial = Normal[py["horizons.A.coord_center_inertial"]];

Here, we have wrapped the py calls in Normal, which converts the numeric arrays into standard Mathematica Lists, so that we can use them more naturally. (If you can use the NumericArray object directly, just omit this call.) For example, to plot the coordinate trajectory of horizon A as a function of time, we can run

 Table[Transpose[{time, coordcenterinertial[[All, i]]}], {i, 1, 3}]]

to plot the components of the coordinate trajectory as functions of time.

We can similarly extract the data from waveforms:

py["waveform = sxs.load('SXS:BBH:1107/Lev/rhOverM', extrapolation_order=2)"]
time = Normal[py["waveform.time"]];
mode22 = Normal[py["[:, waveform.index(2, 2)]"]];
ListLinePlot[{Transpose[{time, Re[mode22]}], Transpose[{time, Im[mode22]}]}]

This plots the real and imaginary parts of the (2,2) mode of the waveform. And, of course, you can still access all the features of the python object containing the waveform, like evaluation in some particular direction:

signal = Normal[py["waveform.evaluate(0.1, 0.2)"]]  (* (θ, ϕ) = (0.1, 0.2) *)
ListLinePlot[{Transpose[{time, Re[signal]}], Transpose[{time, Im[signal]}]}]