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Horizons class#

Bases: object

Container object for several HorizonQuantities objects


Name Type Description Default
A HorizonQuantities

If these are not given, they will be None.

B HorizonQuantities

If these are not given, they will be None.

C HorizonQuantities

If these are not given, they will be None.



Name Type Description
A, B, C, a, b, c {HorizonQuantities, None}

The lowercase versions are simply aliases for the uppercase ones.


Name Description

Indexes the individual HorizonQuantities objects, and optionally passes indexes through to the underlying object. See below for explanation.

See also

HorizonQuantities : Containers for data pertaining to each of the horizons


This is a small container to provide an interface for several HorizonQuantities objects, which can be accessed in several ways. Up to three horizons are supported, and are named A, B, and C. Typically A and B will represent objects in a merging binary and C will represent the remnant, though this convention is not enforced. It is expected that components that do not have horizons (e.g., neutron stars) will be represented as None rather than HorizonQuantities objects. If this object is named horizons, each individual horizon can be accessed in any of these ways:


and similarly for B and C. These different ways of accessing A are essentially aliases; they return precisely the same object. In addition, the attributes of those horizon objects are passed through — for example, as


to access the time data for horizon A, or


These are equivalent and return precisely the same thing, except for the last one. If an attribute ends with ".dat", the returned quantity will be the quantity that appears in a SpEC-format Horizons.h5 file, which is "horizontally stacked" (via np.hstack) with the time data. That is, rather than being an Nx3 vector-valued function of time, when this attribute ends with ".dat" it returns an Nx4 array. For scalar-valued functions of time, the returned object has shape Nx2, rather than just N. This provides full backward compatibility with SpEC-format Horizons.h5 files, in the sense that a Horizons object can be indexed in exactly the same way as a Horizons.h5 file. Also note that the function sxs.loadcontext provides a context manager just like h5py:

with sxs.loadcontext("Horizons.h5") as f:
    time = f["AhA.dir/ArealMass.dat"][:, 0]
    areal_mass = f["AhA.dir/ArealMass.dat"][:, 1]

This code is identical to the equivalent code using h5py except that the call to h5py.File is replaced with the call to sxs.loadcontext. The .dat datasets are re-computed on the fly.

Source code in sxs/horizons/
class Horizons(object):
    """Container object for several HorizonQuantities objects

    A, B, C : HorizonQuantities, optional
        If these are not given, they will be `None`.

    A, B, C, a, b, c : {HorizonQuantities, None}
        The lowercase versions are simply aliases for the uppercase ones.

        Indexes the individual HorizonQuantities objects, and optionally passes
        indexes through to the underlying object.  See below for explanation.

    See also
    HorizonQuantities : Containers for data pertaining to each of the horizons

    This is a small container to provide an interface for several HorizonQuantities
    objects, which can be accessed in several ways.  Up to three horizons are
    supported, and are named A, B, and C.  Typically A and B will represent objects
    in a merging binary and C will represent the remnant, though this convention is
    not enforced.  It is expected that components that do not have horizons (e.g.,
    neutron stars) will be represented as `None` rather than HorizonQuantities
    objects.  If this object is named `horizons`, each individual horizon can be
    accessed in any of these ways:


    and similarly for B and C.  These different ways of accessing `A` are
    essentially aliases; they return precisely the same object.  In addition, the
    attributes of those horizon objects are passed through — for example, as


    to access the time data for horizon A, or


    These are equivalent and return precisely the same thing, except for the last
    one.  If an attribute ends with ".dat", the returned quantity will be the
    quantity that appears in a SpEC-format Horizons.h5 file, which is "horizontally
    stacked" (via `np.hstack`) with the time data.  That is, rather than being an
    Nx3 vector-valued function of time, when this attribute ends with ".dat" it
    returns an Nx4 array.  For scalar-valued functions of time, the returned object
    has shape Nx2, rather than just N.  This provides full backward compatibility
    with SpEC-format Horizons.h5 files, in the sense that a `Horizons` object can
    be indexed in exactly the same way as a Horizons.h5 file.  Also note that the
    function `sxs.loadcontext` provides a context manager just like `h5py`:

        with sxs.loadcontext("Horizons.h5") as f:
            time = f["AhA.dir/ArealMass.dat"][:, 0]
            areal_mass = f["AhA.dir/ArealMass.dat"][:, 1]

    This code is identical to the equivalent code using `h5py` except that the call
    to `h5py.File` is replaced with the call to `sxs.loadcontext`.  The `.dat`
    datasets are re-computed on the fly.

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.A = kwargs.pop("A", None)
        self.B = kwargs.pop("B", None)
        self.C = kwargs.pop("C", None)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        shorter_key = key.replace("AhA.dir", "A").replace("AhB.dir", "B").replace("AhC.dir", "C")
        if shorter_key.upper() in "ABC":
            return getattr(self, shorter_key.upper())
        elif len(shorter_key.split("/", maxsplit=1)) == 2:
            horizon, sub_key = shorter_key.split("/", maxsplit=1)
            return getattr(self, horizon)[sub_key]
            raise ValueError(f"Cannot find key '{key}' in this {type(self).__name__} object")

    def a(self):
        return self.A

    def b(self):
        return self.B

    def c(self):
        return self.C

    def newtonian_com(self):
        """Newtonian center of mass as function of time

        This returns only the center of mass of the binary components; the center of
        mass of the common horizon is just `horizons.C.coord_center_inertial`.

        com : ndarray
            This has shape (self.A.n_times, 3), representing the components of the
            vector as a function of time.

        See Also
        average_com_motion : fit uniform motion to this result

        This just evaluates the simple formula

            (m_A * x_A + m_B * x_B) / (m_A + m_B)

        where the masses are the respective Christodoulou masses, and the positions are
        taken from the `coord_center_inertial` properties of the respective horizons.
        This is highly susceptible to the vagaries of gauge, and must always be taken
        with plentiful grains of salt.

        m_A = self.A.christodoulou_mass[:, np.newaxis]
        x_A = self.A.coord_center_inertial
        m_B = self.B.christodoulou_mass[:, np.newaxis]
        x_B = self.B.coord_center_inertial
        m = m_A + m_B
        com = ((m_A * x_A) + (m_B * x_B)) / m
        return com

    def average_com_motion(self, skip_beginning_fraction=0.01, skip_ending_fraction=0.10):
        """Fit uniform motion to measured Newtonian center of mass

        skip_beginning_fraction : float, optional
            Exclude this portion from the beginning of the data.  Note that this is
            a fraction, rather than a percentage.  The default value is 0.01,
            meaning the first 1% of the data will be ignored.
        skip_ending_fraction : float, optional
            Exclude this portion from the end of the data.  Note that this is a
            fraction, rather than a percentage.  The default value is 0.10, meaning
            the last 10% of the data will be ignored.

        x_i : length-3 array of floats
            Best-fit initial position of the center of mass
        v_i : length-3 array of floats
            Best-fit initial velocity of the center of mass
        t_i : float
            Initial time used.  This is determined by the `skip_beginning_fraction`
            input parameter.
        t_f : float
            Final time used.  This is determined by the `skip_ending_fraction` input

        See Also
        newtonian_com : measured quantity as function of time

        See the docstring of `newtonian_com` for some relevant caveats.  The
        translation to be applied to the data should be calculated given the values
        returned by this function as

            com_average = sxs.TimeSeries(
                x_i[np.newaxis] + v_i[np.newaxis] * horizons.A.time[:, np.newaxis],

        from scipy.integrate import simps

        t = self.A.time
        com = self.newtonian_com

        # We will be skipping the beginning and end of the data;
        # this gives us the initial and final indices
        t_i, t_f = t[0] + (t[-1] - t[0]) * skip_beginning_fraction, t[-1] - (t[-1] - t[0]) * skip_ending_fraction
        i_i, i_f = np.argmin(np.abs(t - t_i)), np.argmin(np.abs(t - t_f))

        # Find the optimum analytically
        com_0 = simps(com[i_i : i_f + 1], t[i_i : i_f + 1], axis=0)
        com_1 = simps((t[:, np.newaxis] * com)[i_i : i_f + 1], t[i_i : i_f + 1], axis=0)
        x_i = 2 * (com_0 * (2 * t_f ** 3 - 2 * t_i ** 3) + com_1 * (-3 * t_f ** 2 + 3 * t_i ** 2)) / (t_f - t_i) ** 4
        v_i = 6 * (com_0 * (-t_f - t_i) + 2 * com_1) / (t_f - t_i) ** 3

        return x_i, v_i, t_i, t_f

    def n⃗(self):
        """Vector pointing from horizon A to horizon B

        This function can be spelled `n⃗`, `nvec`, or `separation`, interchangeably.

        n⃗ : ndarray
            This has shape (self.A.n_times, 3), representing the components of the
            vector as a function of time.

        See Also
        n̂, nhat : Normalized version of this vector
        λ̂, lambdahat : Normalized time-derivative of n̂
        ℓ̂, ellhat : Normalized angular-velocity vector of n̂

        return self.B.coord_center_inertial - self.A.coord_center_inertial

    nvec = n⃗
    separation = n⃗

    def (self):
        """Unit vector pointing from horizon A to horizon B

        This function can be spelled `n̂` or `nhat`, interchangeably.

        n̂ : ndarray
            This has shape (self.A.n_times, 3), representing the components of the
            vector as a function of time.

        See Also
        n⃗, nvec, separation : Non-normalized version of this vector
        λ̂, lambdahat : Normalized time-derivative of n̂
        ℓ̂, ellhat : Normalized angular-velocity vector

        Note that (n̂, λ̂, ℓ̂) forms a right-handed frame, which is commonly used in
        post-Newtonian theory and similar treatments.

        n⃗ = self.separation
        return n⃗ / np.linalg.norm(n⃗, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]

    nhat = 

    def λ̂(self):
        """Time-derivative of normalized separation vector

        This function can be spelled `λ̂` or `lambdahat`, interchangeably.

        λ̂ : ndarray
            This has shape (self.A.n_times, 3), representing the components of the
            vector as a function of time.

        See Also
        n⃗, nvec, separation : (Non-normalized) separation vector between two horizons
        n̂, nhat : Normalized separation vector
        ℓ̂, ellhat : Normalized angular-velocity vector

        Note that (n̂, λ̂, ℓ̂) forms a right-handed frame, which is commonly used in
        post-Newtonian theory and similar treatments.

        λ⃗ =
        return λ⃗ / np.linalg.norm(λ⃗, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]

    lambdahat = λ̂

    def ℓ̂(self):
        """Normalized angular-velocity vector

        This function can be spelled `ℓ̂` or `ellhat`, interchangeably.

        ℓ̂ : ndarray
            This has shape (self.A.n_times, 3), representing the components of the
            vector as a function of time.

        See Also
        n⃗, nvec, separation : (Non-normalized) separation vector between two horizons
        n̂, nhat : Normalized separation vector
        λ̂, lambdahat : Normalized time-derivative of n̂

        Note that (n̂, λ̂, ℓ̂) forms a right-handed frame, which is commonly used in
        post-Newtonian theory and similar treatments.

        return TimeSeries(np.cross(self., self.λ̂), time=self..time)

    ellhat = ℓ̂

property #

Normalized angular-velocity vector

This function can be spelled ℓ̂ or ellhat, interchangeably.


Type Description
ℓ̂ : ndarray

This has shape (self.A.n_times, 3), representing the components of the vector as a function of time.

See Also

n⃗, nvec, separation : (Non-normalized) separation vector between two horizons n̂, nhat : Normalized separation vector λ̂, lambdahat : Normalized time-derivative of n̂


Note that (n̂, λ̂, ℓ̂) forms a right-handed frame, which is commonly used in post-Newtonian theory and similar treatments.

newtonian_com property #

Newtonian center of mass as function of time

This returns only the center of mass of the binary components; the center of mass of the common horizon is just horizons.C.coord_center_inertial.


Name Type Description
com ndarray

This has shape (self.A.n_times, 3), representing the components of the vector as a function of time.

See Also

average_com_motion : fit uniform motion to this result


This just evaluates the simple formula

(m_A * x_A + m_B * x_B) / (m_A + m_B)

where the masses are the respective Christodoulou masses, and the positions are taken from the coord_center_inertial properties of the respective horizons. This is highly susceptible to the vagaries of gauge, and must always be taken with plentiful grains of salt.

property #

Unit vector pointing from horizon A to horizon B

This function can be spelled or nhat, interchangeably.


Type Description
n̂ : ndarray

This has shape (self.A.n_times, 3), representing the components of the vector as a function of time.

See Also

n⃗, nvec, separation : Non-normalized version of this vector λ̂, lambdahat : Normalized time-derivative of n̂ ℓ̂, ellhat : Normalized angular-velocity vector


Note that (n̂, λ̂, ℓ̂) forms a right-handed frame, which is commonly used in post-Newtonian theory and similar treatments.

n⃗ property #

Vector pointing from horizon A to horizon B

This function can be spelled n⃗, nvec, or separation, interchangeably.


Type Description
n⃗ : ndarray

This has shape (self.A.n_times, 3), representing the components of the vector as a function of time.

See Also

n̂, nhat : Normalized version of this vector λ̂, lambdahat : Normalized time-derivative of n̂ ℓ̂, ellhat : Normalized angular-velocity vector of n̂

λ̂ property #

Time-derivative of normalized separation vector

This function can be spelled λ̂ or lambdahat, interchangeably.


Type Description
λ̂ : ndarray

This has shape (self.A.n_times, 3), representing the components of the vector as a function of time.

See Also

n⃗, nvec, separation : (Non-normalized) separation vector between two horizons n̂, nhat : Normalized separation vector ℓ̂, ellhat : Normalized angular-velocity vector


Note that (n̂, λ̂, ℓ̂) forms a right-handed frame, which is commonly used in post-Newtonian theory and similar treatments.

average_com_motion(skip_beginning_fraction=0.01, skip_ending_fraction=0.1) #

Fit uniform motion to measured Newtonian center of mass


Name Type Description Default
skip_beginning_fraction float

Exclude this portion from the beginning of the data. Note that this is a fraction, rather than a percentage. The default value is 0.01, meaning the first 1% of the data will be ignored.

skip_ending_fraction float

Exclude this portion from the end of the data. Note that this is a fraction, rather than a percentage. The default value is 0.10, meaning the last 10% of the data will be ignored.



Name Type Description
x_i length-3 array of floats

Best-fit initial position of the center of mass

v_i length-3 array of floats

Best-fit initial velocity of the center of mass

t_i float

Initial time used. This is determined by the skip_beginning_fraction input parameter.

t_f float

Final time used. This is determined by the skip_ending_fraction input parameter.

See Also

newtonian_com : measured quantity as function of time


See the docstring of newtonian_com for some relevant caveats. The translation to be applied to the data should be calculated given the values returned by this function as

com_average = sxs.TimeSeries(
    x_i[np.newaxis] + v_i[np.newaxis] * horizons.A.time[:, np.newaxis],
Source code in sxs/horizons/
def average_com_motion(self, skip_beginning_fraction=0.01, skip_ending_fraction=0.10):
    """Fit uniform motion to measured Newtonian center of mass

    skip_beginning_fraction : float, optional
        Exclude this portion from the beginning of the data.  Note that this is
        a fraction, rather than a percentage.  The default value is 0.01,
        meaning the first 1% of the data will be ignored.
    skip_ending_fraction : float, optional
        Exclude this portion from the end of the data.  Note that this is a
        fraction, rather than a percentage.  The default value is 0.10, meaning
        the last 10% of the data will be ignored.

    x_i : length-3 array of floats
        Best-fit initial position of the center of mass
    v_i : length-3 array of floats
        Best-fit initial velocity of the center of mass
    t_i : float
        Initial time used.  This is determined by the `skip_beginning_fraction`
        input parameter.
    t_f : float
        Final time used.  This is determined by the `skip_ending_fraction` input

    See Also
    newtonian_com : measured quantity as function of time

    See the docstring of `newtonian_com` for some relevant caveats.  The
    translation to be applied to the data should be calculated given the values
    returned by this function as

        com_average = sxs.TimeSeries(
            x_i[np.newaxis] + v_i[np.newaxis] * horizons.A.time[:, np.newaxis],

    from scipy.integrate import simps

    t = self.A.time
    com = self.newtonian_com

    # We will be skipping the beginning and end of the data;
    # this gives us the initial and final indices
    t_i, t_f = t[0] + (t[-1] - t[0]) * skip_beginning_fraction, t[-1] - (t[-1] - t[0]) * skip_ending_fraction
    i_i, i_f = np.argmin(np.abs(t - t_i)), np.argmin(np.abs(t - t_f))

    # Find the optimum analytically
    com_0 = simps(com[i_i : i_f + 1], t[i_i : i_f + 1], axis=0)
    com_1 = simps((t[:, np.newaxis] * com)[i_i : i_f + 1], t[i_i : i_f + 1], axis=0)
    x_i = 2 * (com_0 * (2 * t_f ** 3 - 2 * t_i ** 3) + com_1 * (-3 * t_f ** 2 + 3 * t_i ** 2)) / (t_f - t_i) ** 4
    v_i = 6 * (com_0 * (-t_f - t_i) + 2 * com_1) / (t_f - t_i) ** 3

    return x_i, v_i, t_i, t_f

HorizonQuantities class#

Bases: object

Container object for various TimeSeries related to an individual horizon


Name Type Description Default
time (N,) array_like

Times at which the horizon quantities are measured.

areal_mass (N,) array_like

The areal (or irreducible) mass of the horizon, defined as the square-root of its surface area divided by 16π, where area is measured as a function of time.

christodoulou_mass (N,) array_like

The Christodoulou mass mᵪ of the horizon is related to the areal (or irreducible) mass mₐ and the dimensionful spin magnitude s by the expression mᵪ² = mₐ² + s²/4mₐ².

coord_center_inertial (N, 3) array_like

Cartesian coordinates of the center of the apparent horizon, in the "inertial frame," the asymptotically inertial frame in which the gravitational waves are measured.

dimensionful_inertial_spin (N, 3) array_like

Cartesian vector components of the spin angular momentum measured on the apparent horizon in the "inertial frame".

chi_inertial (N, 3) array_like

Cartesian components of the spin angular momentum measured in the "inertial frame", made dimensionless by dividing by the square of the Christodoulou mass.



Name Type Description
All of the above parameters are converted to TimeSeries objects and accessible
as attributes, along with the following
dimensionful_inertial_spin_mag (N,) TimeSeries

Euclidean norm of the dimensionful_inertial_spin quantity

chi_inertial_mag (N,) TimeSeries

Euclidean norm of the chi_inertial quantity

chi_mag_inertial (N,) TimeSeries

Euclidean norm of the chi_inertial quantity (alias for the above, maintained for backwards compatibility)


Name Description

Another interface for accessing the attributes, with more flexibility. See below for explanation.


In addition to the standard attribute access, as in


it is also possible to access that attribute equivalently via indexing as


Here, the latter is simply an alias for the former. For backwards compatibility, it is also possible to access the attributes "horizontally stacked" (via np.hstack) with the time data. That is, rather than being an Nx3 vector-valued function of time as returned above, when an attribute ends with ".dat" it returns an Nx4 array:


The result of that call can be sliced as [:, 0] to access the time data and [:, 1:] to access the 3-d vector as a function of time. Together with related behavior in the Horizons class, this provides full backward compatibility with SpEC-format Horizons.h5 files, in the sense that a Horizons object can be indexed in exactly the same way as a Horizons.h5 file.

Source code in sxs/horizons/
class HorizonQuantities(object):
    """Container object for various TimeSeries related to an individual horizon

    time : (N,) array_like
        Times at which the horizon quantities are measured.
    areal_mass : (N,) array_like
        The areal (or irreducible) mass of the horizon, defined as the square-root
        of its surface area divided by 16π, where area is measured as a function of
    christodoulou_mass : (N,) array_like
        The Christodoulou mass `mᵪ` of the horizon is related to the areal (or
        irreducible) mass `mₐ` and the dimensionful spin magnitude `s` by the
        expression `mᵪ² = mₐ² + s²/4mₐ²`.
    coord_center_inertial : (N, 3) array_like
        Cartesian coordinates of the center of the apparent horizon, in the
        "inertial frame," the asymptotically inertial frame in which the
        gravitational waves are measured.
    dimensionful_inertial_spin : (N, 3) array_like
        Cartesian vector components of the spin angular momentum measured on the
        apparent horizon in the "inertial frame".
    chi_inertial : (N, 3) array_like
        Cartesian components of the spin angular momentum measured in the "inertial
        frame", made dimensionless by dividing by the square of the Christodoulou

    All of the above parameters are converted to TimeSeries objects and accessible
    as attributes, along with the following:

    dimensionful_inertial_spin_mag : (N,) TimeSeries
        Euclidean norm of the `dimensionful_inertial_spin` quantity
    chi_inertial_mag : (N,) TimeSeries
        Euclidean norm of the `chi_inertial` quantity
    chi_mag_inertial : (N,) TimeSeries
        Euclidean norm of the `chi_inertial` quantity (alias for the above,
        maintained for backwards compatibility)

        Another interface for accessing the attributes, with more flexibility.  See
        below for explanation.

    In addition to the standard attribute access, as in


    it is also possible to access that attribute equivalently via indexing as


    Here, the latter is simply an alias for the former.  For backwards
    compatibility, it is also possible to access the attributes "horizontally
    stacked" (via `np.hstack`) with the time data.  That is, rather than being an
    Nx3 vector-valued function of time as returned above, when an attribute ends
    with ".dat" it returns an Nx4 array:


    The result of that call can be sliced as `[:, 0]` to access the time data and
    `[:, 1:]` to access the 3-d vector as a function of time.  Together with
    related behavior in the `Horizons` class, this provides full backward
    compatibility with SpEC-format Horizons.h5 files, in the sense that a
    `Horizons` object can be indexed in exactly the same way as a Horizons.h5 file.


    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.time = kwargs["time"]
        self.areal_mass = TimeSeries(kwargs["areal_mass"], time=self.time, time_axis=0)
        self.christodoulou_mass = TimeSeries(kwargs["christodoulou_mass"], time=self.time, time_axis=0)
        self.coord_center_inertial = TimeSeries(kwargs["coord_center_inertial"], time=self.time, time_axis=0)
        self.dimensionful_inertial_spin = TimeSeries(kwargs["dimensionful_inertial_spin"], time=self.time, time_axis=0)
        self.chi_inertial = TimeSeries(kwargs["chi_inertial"], time=self.time, time_axis=0)

    def dimensionful_inertial_spin_mag(self):
        return np.linalg.norm(self.dimensionful_inertial_spin, axis=1)

    def chi_inertial_mag(self):
        return np.linalg.norm(self.chi_inertial, axis=1)

    chi_mag_inertial = chi_inertial_mag  # backwards-compatible alias because the name is inconsistent

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        dat = key.endswith(".dat")
        standardized_key = inflection.underscore(key.replace(".dat", ""))
        attribute = getattr(self, standardized_key)
        if dat:
            if getattr(attribute, "ndim", 0) == 1:
                attribute = attribute[:, np.newaxis]
            if hasattr(attribute, "ndarray"):
                attribute = attribute.ndarray
            return np.hstack((self.time[:, np.newaxis], attribute))
        return attribute